macos text entering weirdness

Just another basic reminder for a thing that I fixed with my laptop when it was acting odd and weird; I was working on my mac and I kept encouring a weird behavior where certain keys that were held down would not repeat, but would pop up a prompt on my screen to enter some kind of special accented internantionl character. In macOS, when a key is held down while entering text, a popup is shown which lets one choose between various accented forms of the character....

2023-02-09 · 1 min · 173 words · Mike Fettis

wireless zmk mac sleep waking bug

bug in zmk fancy keyboards use a controller called a nice nano, that nice nano runs a firmware called zmk. That firmware has a fair few options to configure a few things. One of the nice options is deep sleep, which powers things down to save battery on the board when not in use. Many people argue that this feature eliminates the need for a physical battery switch. However there is a bug with mac that is/was waking up the mac from sleep eventhough the “keyboard is alseep” You can fix it with....

2023-02-01 · 1 min · 114 words · Mike Fettis

fun with cloudwatch logs

writing directly to cloudwatch logs sometimes you just need to write to a cloudwatch log and you want to do that from the terminal? You can do this with jq bash and aws cli yey timestamp=$(date +%s000); \ json_data=$(jq --null-input --arg timestamp $timestamp '{"timestamp": ($timestamp|tonumber), "message": "ssn: 123-12-1234"}'); \ aws logs put-log-events --log-group-name /dev/ridigintraffic --log-stream-name something-special --log-events "$json_data"

2023-01-31 · 1 min · 58 words · Mike Fettis

vertical keyboards

i mesed up my back over the weekend i spent a couple of days on the floor. This was because i messed up my back. This is mostly becuase I have really poor posture. I have had really poor posture for a good 35 years now. It is likley that the poor posture is finally catching up to me. So what do we do when bad things like this happen? We make a whole bunch of changes to things and then revert a number of those changes but hopefully one or two of those changes will stick....

2023-01-17 · 2 min · 398 words · Mike Fettis

open a folder from terminal

open a finder in the terminal of a mac if you need to open a finder window you can just type open or if you want to open the finder with the folder that you are in as the path you can type open . and like that you have magically opened the folder and you are good to go.

2022-10-07 · 1 min · 60 words · Mike Fettis

muting a microwave

Microware muting Ok fine usually I will talk about tech things and IT things, but this is a quality of life thing. It turns out that you can mute your microwave. While i never thought that this would be a thing, it does make really good sense and yea, that should be a thing. 30 seconds later I googled “mute microwave” and low and behold. whirlpool microwave: keypad mute: press and hold 1 for 3 seconds hear "beep beep" end of cycle mute: pread and hold 2 for 3 seconds hear "beep beep"

2022-09-12 · 1 min · 93 words · Mike Fettis