
docker powershell To prove a point i went out and foudn that there is a microsoft supported docker image for powershell. dockerhub - microsoft this means that running a mac, you can run docker that runs linux and then will let you run powershell.. You must go deeper… ha instant pot dragon head instant pots are pretty rad and there is this little thingverse that will let you have a dragon head for your instant pot, you just need to make sure that you print it with pla so that it does not instamelt when you are releasing the steam dragon head

2018-11-12 · 1 min · 102 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-02 docker, bash, coffee

docker reboot Every once and a while for prem docker installation a reboot is needed. There are some tools out there that can most likely do this, but today a quick and dirty bash script solved the problem. Step one dump all the running container IDS, today there were about 23 containers running. docker ps -q >>ids Next reboot sudo reboot Finally the bash script to quickly spin them all back up....

2017-03-02 · 1 min · 154 words · Mike Fettis

2017-02-27 nginx, splunk, docker, git

Splunk and nginx Doing some splunkjs work from a docker container, and hosting it out of nginx, which means I needed to configure a proxy pass using some load balancing in order to access the splunk cluster, this was a little tricky because of session persistence and https. nginx load balancing Luckily there are some good pslunk blogs out there that help out configuring-nginx-with-splunk-rest-api-sdk-compatibility and some good reading about splunkjs read them both using-the-splunkjs-stack-part-1...

2017-02-27 · 1 min · 180 words · Mike Fettis

2017-02-25 ithub, git, jekyll, ruby, mac, docker, raspberrypi

Productive Saturday rant Been cranking away at my laptop from 630-830 this morning, and realizing that my ancient mac book air battery which was already replace once, is just a poor shadow of what it should be. I’m only going to get about 3 hours out of this battery before it dies. Which is sad because i really wanted to get a new laptop this year but mac did not really give us any options....

2017-02-25 · 3 min · 501 words · Mike Fettis