ripgrep file context

rip grep tip I use ripgrep all the time and often times there are little things that can really help you find what you are serarching for. This is one of them. I want to find a string in a specific filename that exists in many folders. Then I want to display those resutls with some context. rg '.wait:' -g '.gitlab-ci.yml' --context 5 The string that I am searching for is ....

2022-09-06 · 1 min · 96 words · Mike Fettis

replacing text across files

We built microservices to leverage scale. As a result those microservices are each in their own repos. We don’t need to get into a discussion about mono repos here, we aren’t using them. The example here is a gitlab pipeline file and we needed to add a new yaml anchor block to use later in the pipeline. We are going to look for something that we know exists, in this case: “....

2022-08-07 · 2 min · 255 words · Mike Fettis