bfg clean local

BFG local cleanup This is a thing that you can do to clean up your local git repo AFTER doing a commit and before pushing to origin. PREWORK Download BFG.jar Create directory structure mkdir -p ~/.binaries/ Move BFG into place, chmod it mv bfg-1.13.0.jar ~/.binaries/ && chmod 777 ~/.binaries/bfg-1.13.0.jar setup BASH_PROFILE echo 'alias bfg="java -jar ~/.binaries/bfg-1.13.0.jar"' >> ~/.bash_profile echo "export PATH=/Users/$(whoami)/.binaries:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile source it source ~/....

2020-03-28 · 2 min · 378 words · Mike Fettis

git bfg cleaner

Git got big files or keys? Break out BFG Everybody messes up, today’s mistake was adding a big file to git before a .gitignore was in place to handle it. As a result, github is rejecting the push, even after “removing” the file from git. The reason is that the file still exists in git(history). Time to clean up the mess, break out BFG and nuke it from orbit. -Sadly this means java is involved, but necessary demons....

2018-11-13 · 3 min · 619 words · Mike Fettis