playing with ssm

ssm rate limiting I was spending a little bit of time trying to scrape some ssm stuff and i figured out that there seems to be a “feature” built in to ssm that doesn’t let you do too many describes. AWS will complain and say NO BUENO if you do it to often. aws ssm describe-parameters | jq '.Parameters[]| "\(.Name) \(.Type)"' An error occurred (ThrottlingException) when calling the DescribeParameters operation (reached max retries: 2): Rate exceeded I thought that was kind of a nice thing to stop people from describe everythign too often....

2020-05-08 · 1 min · 103 words · Mike Fettis

aws encrypted keys

AWS credential_process There is a setting in the aws config that allows AWS to source the credentials externally. This can be super handy if you don’t want to store those as plain text things. It is called “credential process”. We can use this in conjunction with native openssl to give you a poor mans encrypted aws keys. First we will take the aws credentials and dump them to a temp file this is named key....

2020-03-04 · 2 min · 289 words · Mike Fettis

ec2, meta-data

Yea it has been a long time since I wrote notes and things but I feel like there are some things to take note on. EC2 things of interest reading the userdata of an instance There are plenty of times that I need to see what the userdata looks like of my instance. ssh into the box. curl simple as that curl #!/bin/bash .... rerunning userdata You should really never rerun userdata but if you are debugging things and need to do things....

2020-02-19 · 1 min · 98 words · Mike Fettis

ebs grow

need moar ebs AWS EBS volumes. Yes I know that everything in AWS should be immutable and disposable. But sometimes they aren’t. We don’t need to go into the philosophical rammifcations of that what we need is a fix. First we find the instance, then the volume, then we grow the volume in aws, then we grow the volume on the box Lets go and describe the instance $ aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=tag:Name,Values='MyMagicServer' | jq '....

2019-08-20 · 2 min · 359 words · Mike Fettis

2017-02-28 ELK? aws and openvpn

ELK There is this thing called elk, and I have no idea how to use it. I don’t even know where to being with ELK. I have been using splunk for years, I know how ot do all of this in splunk. But because the data I need is in elk and i cannot easily get it in to splunk I will have to at least start with elk and then go from there....

2017-02-28 · 1 min · 207 words · Mike Fettis