2017-10-03 chef

expose hidden files on a mac Finder hides all sorts of stuff, let expose that defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles true defaults write -g AppleShowAllFiles -bool true killall Finder Lets relearn chef vagrant init bento/ubuntu-14.04 vagrant up vagrant ssh sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install curl curl https://omnitruck.chef.io/install.sh | sudo bash -s -- -P chefdk -c stable -v 2.0.28 #gets the latest version of chefdk and installs it simple enough now vagrant has chef and we can do chef local type configs and changes....

1 min · 98 words · Mike Fettis

2017-10-05 quick wins

Today is going to be a quick one wiht some “scripts” and or functions that were given to me and a couple that I wrote on my own. simply create the bash script add them to a folder and then add that path to your $PATH variable in your bash_profile. ssh-trust This one was given to me from a co-worker and solves the issue of validating a changed ssh-host key when that host changes....

2 min · 235 words · Mike Fettis

2017-10-24 terraform and fixers

new location I suppose I ahve taken a little bit of a break lately because I have been working at a new job and doing all sorts of everything. I am going to try and add content and learning more often terraform I feel like i have a whole other blog post that I will need to write about terraform that i think that is going to have to be another time....

1 min · 125 words · Mike Fettis

2017-10-25 something today

#Forcing vim I have been trying to force myself to use vim strictly for some time now.. I am giving it another go. Sometimes it works other times less so, but today I am going to give it a try.

1 min · 40 words · Mike Fettis

2017-10-27 telegraf influxdb

Telegraf There is a tool out there called telegraf, which is kind of interesting. It takes metrics and then forwards them on to a time series database, such as influx. telegraf getting started This may not seem like that big of a deal, but it can be extra useful, when ingesting metrics like cpu and memory or other simple type metrics, which would require a script to be constantly running. There is a nice thing that once you get it configured to run on a server just adding ....

2 min · 374 words · Mike Fettis

2017-10-30 vim for the win

VIM I am still trying to force feed myself vim. As a part of that effort I have included this in my vimrc ```noremap "" noremap! noremap "" noremap! noremap "" noremap! noremap "" noremap! which should turn off all of my arrow keys and force me to navigate the world with vim arrows at least while in vim. This is all in an effort to try and get myself to get better at vim....

1 min · 212 words · Mike Fettis

2017-11-22 something witty

cr-48 A while back when google was first betaing the chromebook they sent out these machines called cr48 which were literally beta chromebooks beofre there were chromebooks. I was a part of that program and as a result I have one of these kicking around. My macbook air died about a month ago, as a result I have been going through all of my old hardware trying to find some type of machine that I can get things done on....

2 min · 267 words · Mike Fettis


ssh things say that you lost your ssh public key but still had a private one…. you can get the public from teh private by running ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub done and simple slack annoyer sometimes you jstu nee dto repeat a message to someone for an extended period of time from slackclient import SlackClient import sys #python junk.py <user> "message" <repeat> <interval seconds> slack_token = "your token here" sc = SlackClient(slack_token) user = sys....

1 min · 126 words · Mike Fettis


python http server simple startup of a python webserver for mac in your local directory: python2: python -m SimpleHTTPServer python3 with cgi: python -m http.server --cgi python3 normal: python3 -m http.server i mean what can go wrong here really?!? source: start-web-server-python-3

1 min · 41 words · Mike Fettis


quick and dirty install of the aws cli sometimes you need to install the aws cli and you just need to get it done. I often use this when I am doing a bash install of it, for some kind of automation. #download it $ curl "https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cli/awscli-bundle.zip" -o "awscli-bundle.zip" #unzip it $ unzip awscli-bundle.zip #run it $ sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws #if you dont have root you can run it here $ ....

1 min · 158 words · Mike Fettis


setting up mac keyboards key repeat with a new laptop means that you need to make all the changes to all the things. One of the annoyances that I had was the key repeat. Yes you can change this in the gui but why would I want to do it there when I can do it in the terminal instead… # read what everything is set at $ defaults read -g InitialKeyRepeat $ defaults read -g KeyRepeat # write some new values to the things....

1 min · 188 words · Mike Fettis

2018-01-02 new year new everything

New year well its a new year and I am back at work. There has been a pretty big drought or posts since the last one, lets fill in the blanks a bit. This blog is going to get some different information this year. I think that I want to add in some aprenting stuff that I learned. At the end of last year we welcomed a baby girl in to the world....

2 min · 359 words · Mike Fettis

2018-01-03 macbook_pro_keyboard

Macbook pro keyboard The macbook pro keyboard is terrible. I have a whole bunch of differnt mechanical keyboards. There are times however that resting a mechnical keyboard on the top of the existing keyboard would be nice. This creates an issue where keys will get pressed on the built in keyboard. The solution for this is to install kayabiner elements. Then there is an option in the preferences named devices and an option to disable the existing keyboard if certain usb keyboards are plugged in....

1 min · 142 words · Mike Fettis

2018-01-04 processor_speculation

Processor Speculative Execution There is a nasty hardware flaw out there that has been found, which involves just about every cpu in current use, it is essentially an issue with the mem cache on and how out of order processesing happens. which allow a predictive branch to happen where you can predict where something is going to be written. Then you read that location and essentially get a memory shim that sees everything....

1 min · 122 words · Mike Fettis

2018-01-05 gitmask

Friday Running rspec tests in jenkinsfiles today. It actually went prett easy… Build the docker images and then inside of it fire the docker run command for rspec and the exit code is caught from the sh in the jenkins step. Gitmask coding without a trace… this looks kind of fun to make commits and whatnot but do it so no one knows who it is or where it came from… Just think of all the fun things that can be done with this… https://www....

1 min · 85 words · Mike Fettis

2018-01-08 git_clean_push

git clean quick and easy way to delete files that are untracked in a git repo ‘git clean -df’ this will delete any untracked files. It is often useful to do this after you have been doing some work and have a couple temp files that you don’t want around anymore. No more deleting a bunch of junk. Let git do it for you. git push origin current branch working with feature branches means that you will need to push up those branches… here is an alias that will push origin the current branch alias gpox=‘git push origin git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD’ OR...

1 min · 109 words · Mike Fettis

2018-01-08 vim_tutorials

vim tutorial stuff Vim is vim and it does things that are sometimes good… Ha well you know what I mean there is a good article about the benefits of using vim instead of some kind of heavy editor. https://medium.com/@caspervonb/why-i-still-use-vim-67afd76b4db6 http://vimcasts.org/

1 min · 41 words · Mike Fettis

2018-01-16 apple_watch_return

returning an apple watch it tricky apparently if you find an apple watch and try to find its owner, the only thing that you can do is drop it off at an apple store…

1 min · 34 words · Mike Fettis

2018-01-31 ascii art

ascii art because why not, here it a git repo that links to some ascii art ascii-emoji macro-ing ergodox There is a firmware out there called qmk. QMK is awesome and you can program your custom keyboards to do just about anythin. I wanted to write a macro for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ because I got sidetracked and went down the rabbit hole. The tricky part is sending the hex codes through to the OS....

1 min · 133 words · Mike Fettis

2018-02-14 guard_clause

guard clauses Because I did not know the term for this, a guard clause is essentially a check if not null or similar empty set checks in code… example for ruby is return [] if instances.empty? Filling in holes of knowledge and writing them down becaue otherwise I may not retain them.

1 min · 52 words · Mike Fettis