2017-03-01 js, karma, protractor, npm, bash, akamai

javascript and node No more just adding things to the package.json HA! To add an entry to your package.json's dependencies: npm install <package_name> --save To add an entry to your package.json's devDependencies: npm install <package_name> --save-dev version numbers and what they actually mean https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/semantic-versioning Patch releases: 1.0 or 1.0.x or ~1.0.4 Minor releases: 1 or 1.x or ^1.0.4 Major releases: * or x testing How fast can I fill in all the holes for TDD… not fast enough apparently ;)...

2017-02-28 · 2 min · 330 words · Mike Fettis

2017-02-27 nginx, splunk, docker, git

Splunk and nginx Doing some splunkjs work from a docker container, and hosting it out of nginx, which means I needed to configure a proxy pass using some load balancing in order to access the splunk cluster, this was a little tricky because of session persistence and https. nginx load balancing Luckily there are some good pslunk blogs out there that help out configuring-nginx-with-splunk-rest-api-sdk-compatibility and some good reading about splunkjs read them both using-the-splunkjs-stack-part-1...

2017-02-27 · 1 min · 180 words · Mike Fettis

2017-02-26 google, analytics, fitbit, dod, open source

February in Chicago can be less than sunny, although the sun came out today google analytics seems pretty easy Log in to the google page and create a site google page. Then add the tracking code to the jekyll theme and bam site tracking. fitbit There has been research done around the accuracy of optical heart rate monitors. I knew they were not accurate up past 150 bpm. This is because the blood is flowing too fast for the sensor to keep up with....

2017-02-26 · 2 min · 384 words · Mike Fettis

2017-02-25 ithub, git, jekyll, ruby, mac, docker, raspberrypi

Productive Saturday rant Been cranking away at my laptop from 630-830 this morning, and realizing that my ancient mac book air battery which was already replace once, is just a poor shadow of what it should be. I’m only going to get about 3 hours out of this battery before it dies. Which is sad because i really wanted to get a new laptop this year but mac did not really give us any options....

2017-02-25 · 3 min · 501 words · Mike Fettis


chef notes $ kitchen list $ kitchen converge ;# creates the vagrant box from the kitchen.yml $ kitchen exec -c whoami ;#fire a command from insid ethe vagrant box $ kitchen verify ;# runs the tests that are configured $ kitchen login ; # logs into the box directly gives a shell

2016-02-19 · 1 min · 52 words · Mike Fettis

2017-02-24 coffee, jekyll, hugo

Today is the first day I was listening to a podcast today, arrested devops and on it was julia evans she talked about writing a blog post every day about what she learned. Originally this was done for her workshop, in order to keep track of the days and things learned. I feel like it is a good idea so I shall give it a go. What did I learn? Today I learned about jekyll and hugo....

2 min · 318 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-05 vpn, openvpn, fstab, raspberry-pi, vnc

I missed a day oops, probably had something to do with the up all night post from before. VPNs are annoying For a whole variety of reasons I use vpns for various tasks. Lately finding one with good throughput has been a headache and annoynce. For thepast few years I have been using two differnt vpns and both of them have suddenly started to have throughput issues. vpn reviews This site looks to offer some good reviewsfor vpns out there could be worth taking a look thatoneprivacysite...

2 min · 240 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-14 macOS, docker, ctop

I missed a few day because I was on vacation. I tihnk I want to try and add more context and text around these entires but today was choas and one fire from the next, therefore I didn’t have a chance to really dig in to learning. Sadly fire fighting is turning into too much of my everday, this needs to get chagned so that I can spend more time building tools and learning about things....

1 min · 116 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-15 akamai, python, artillery

akamai Today I decided that it was time that I wrote a quick and easy script that would go through and dump akamai cache from a file that contained a list of links. This has been a manual process for the most part, and that is pretty terrible. Luckily there is a bunch of docs and doc examples out there for this kind of stuff. https://github.com/akamai-open/api-kickstart https://developer.akamai.com/introduction/Conf_Client.html https://developer.akamai.com/api/luna/diagnostic-tools/overview.html You will need to create some api keys that can all be done through the luna portal, and after doing that and following the demo steps in the links above you will have a txt file....

1 min · 200 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-16 hak5, bash, docker, swarm

I acquired a bsh bunny yesterday and we will see what I can figure out with it. bash bunny yes the bash bunny is pretty simple to use. It is a full mini linux computer that runs on an arm7 chip with a good amount of on board storage and ram. I was able to pull down the repo from bunny payloads and do a quick nmap of my machine. payload git repo: https://github....

1 min · 175 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-20 hubot, 42, hitchikers guide

hubot Hubot is a fun piece of code, it is a bot framework that is built by github and has adapters for a whole bunch of things. I use it with slack. I have been working on hubot for some time now. https://hubot.github.com/ We have a bunch of webhooks that post a whole variety of message to slack. It turns out that by default hubot ignores all of those messages. This is because you generally don’t want bots getting in to an endless loop of talking to each other....

1 min · 203 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-21, dogs

dogs ADD took its toll and I wandered down this rabbit hole, pparently the dog greeting stretch is a thing. The Greeting Stretch is a posture used only towards someone the dog likes and with whom he is comfortable. There is also a version of this where the dog leans forward and stretches his rear legs out behind him. In the greeting stretch, you will see a relaxed ear carriage and squinty eyes....

1 min · 152 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-22, docker, swarm

docker swarm bounce sometimes you just need a docker swarm service to restart… right now this is the best way that i know of in order to get it to bounce. I am sure that they is a better way but I need to find that. docker service update --env-add UPDATE=1 hubot_opsbot-hubot spectacle window manager for macos Spectacle and its donateware yay https://www.spectacleapp.com/ I have a Billion windows open at all time and I am hopping between resolutions when I am at may desk and when I walk away from it, I am going to give this window manager a try....

1 min · 101 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-24, splunk docker

Splunk docker logging driver https://docs.docker.com/engine/admin/logging/splunk/#message-formats –log-opt tag="{{.Name}}/{{.FullID}}" \

1 min · 8 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-26, vim

pathogen vim whne I reinstalled everything on my laptop i forgot to install pathogen for vim. and as a result. all of my conf files from the dotfile repo stopped working right in vim :( good to keep track of this repo https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen and then the command to support it: curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim https://tpo.pe/pathogen.vim```

1 min · 54 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-27, sublimetext, bash, shellcheck

https://evertpot.com/osx-tmux-vim-copy-paste-clipboard/ for sublime package controll ou can sync it with dropbox like this dropbox sync shellcheck is pretty rad and you can add it directly into sublime text so that you can lint your shell scripts shellcheck also julia evans has some great things to say about bash and common mistakes that happen in bash. bash-quirks

1 min · 56 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-28, dtrace

dtrace dtrace is pretty intereting and I need to learn more about it. Similar to strae which i also don’t know how to use. I did not get a chance to spend as much time as I wanted with dtrace so I will have to come back to this one dtrace-even-better-than-strace-for-osx.html dtrace docker attach Well Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + \ ) should detach you from the container but it kill the container because your main process is a bash....

2 min · 216 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-30, vagrant

vagrant vagrant is a useful tool for demoing and discovery work when you don’t want to go about standing up everything vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64 vagrant up - starts up the vagrant image that has a vagrant file in the working directory vagrant status - checking status of vagrant vagrant ssh to log in to the machine that is already running cat /etc/issue vagrant destroy - tears it all down vagrant halt _ stop without teardown which <command> - shows you were that commmand lives ansible ansible inventory...

1 min · 95 words · Mike Fettis

2017-03-31, vault, hubot

Vault Storing secrets for docker containers can be tricky to get right. There is this thing called vault that does it pretty safely for you. The idea is that there should be nothing sensitve stored in the configuration of your containers. This is hard because when you need keys and passwords it is quite common to store those as environment variables and then refences those. You should not do that, that is bad....

2 min · 303 words · Mike Fettis

2017-04-05, du

du 100G crashplan/ http://www.linfo.org/du.html

1 min · 4 words · Mike Fettis